You may return new, unopened, unused items within 30 days for a full refund less shipping, handling and processing fees(This is due to the rising cost of shipping world wide).

We may still approve your returns at our own discretion after 30 days given the products have not been used. However we may not be able to refund the payment back to your payment method after 60 days. In these cases we will issue you store credit.

Return shipping is the responsibility of the buyer unless we've made a mistake in fulfilling your order.

Refunds are processed within 48 hours of receiving your returns. Your financial institution may require few days to credit your account, in some instances it can take a week or so.

If your order was charged a shipping and handling fee, this fee is not refunded on returns.

We do not accept returns on products that have been used or no longer appear to be in the condition they were when shipped out.

We can exchange products but you will have to pay shipping both ways.

All returns are refunded as store credit back to your account for you to use at a later date. If you prefer to receive your refund to the original payment method we can do that, just email us and let us know. If it hasn't been over 30 days we can issue back your payment back to your credit card or Paypal account.

All PayPal refunds and cancellations are subject to a 50 cent plus 3% refund fee (4% for international transactions). If you choose to pay with PayPal and would like a refund, you'll be charged this refund fee. PayPal does not refund the merchant their processing fees. By placing an order using Paypal payment method you agree to receive a Partial refund. This includes canceling an order that has not yet shipped or returning an order that you no longer want. You can avoid the refund fees by accepting store credit.

Morale Patches Australia reserves the right to assess and accept or refuse refunds as seen fit by the circumstances.